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30 Letters In 30 Days

It is my third time doing a writing challenge and I’m excited to write and share this year’s prompts!

And as you can tell from the title, this year’s theme is…

’30 Letters In 30 Days’

It’s essentially an extension of my Dear Series.

I’ve always loved writing letters. The first time I was introduced to it was during the 3rd grade when m school participated in a pen pal (peep the inspiration to my blog name) program. I can’t remember what country my pen pal was from, but I believe my pen pal was a girl. It was such a joyous feeling writing to someone who I’ve never met and excitingly waiting for their reply. And when we got replies back, I loved seeing how diverse their letters were, and lovely to see some of their personality on paper.

I soon began writing to my friends, even though we were attending the same school. Whether my letters were long, short, happy, or sad, doing handwritten letters felt more personal and thoughtful, in my point of view. I also enjoyed folding the letters into hearts or some sort of box that had quirky pull-out tabs that opens the letter.

One similar goal these letters had always given me was honestly and openly expressing my thoughts and feelings – being vulnerable to the person I’m writing to and reading their vulnerability or courageousness back. It was a world that involved only two people and it was genuinely nice.

And through my Dear Series, I hope to continue writing letters that focus on an array of emotions, experiences, and reflection to express sincere gratitude, healing, and hopefully, closure towards whoever or whatever the letter is intended for.

Write A Letter To...

November is a month to highlight how blessed we are with everything we currently have in life –

lessons, happiness, love, and even challenges. It is a month to remember those who have made a staple of who we are and who we’re striving to be, whether they are still in our life or not.

I hope each day you are surrounded with the healing and happiness your soul desires.

Let's Chat!

What letter are you looking forward to writing the most?

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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